• info@divinemercychambe.org
  • +265 886 78 59 85

Our Activities

Our Activities

We support early childhood development to UVCs in order to improve their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.


a comprehensive feeding and day care programme for the UVCs.

Sensitization Meetings

Carry out sensitization meetings with all relevant stakeholders

Organize Meetings

Organize meetings with selected representatives of the communities and form a project committee to support child care activities


Undertake a needs assessment in order to identify specific needs of the beneficiaries within their community from time to time.

Identify UVCs

Identify UVCs and compile their profiles

Identify Volunteers

Identify volunteers and train them on child care activities

Create Forums

Create a forum for the UVCs and the community members to meet and share ideas on other projects.


Support with school fees in specific circumstances


Donate and help CCDM feed Children and give them hope to the future.

Get in touch with us